29 January 2021

80m net – my signal at m0mcx


New diploma to collection


Another one to my collection ;)

Run fldigi waterfall only on startup (MAC OS)

 If you wanna run the only waterfall when starting fldigi on mac os you can use the simple command: /Applications/AFU/fldigi.app/Contents/MacOS/fldigi –wfall-only

Large hamradio map for printing

 If you looking to print a large ham radio map here is one to download. https://www.dropbox.com/s/95rvabt5p1flu7k/1544562698858_hammap.pdf?dl=0

LRotor for RumlogNG

 If you looking to print a large ham radio map here is one to download.  A copy of the rotor control app from NF4L/Mike (SK). This can be used together with rumlogng. Click the link below.

    • 28 January 2021

      Good quality QSL cards shiped worldwide!

       For more info click on the image below!

      CAT comand for ic-7300 to play recoded messages

      You can use those CAT commands to play pre-recorded messages on the ic-7300. (the sample for mixw software) F1 CQ,{CAT1Hex FE FE 94 E0 28 00 01 FD} F2 CQ x2,{CAT1Hex FE FE 94 E0 28 00 02 FD} For mixw software would be the following T1 – Just change the last 01 or 02 nr to the desired message.