Key Features (K3NG Firmware):
- CW speed adjustable from 1 to 999 WPM
- K1EL Winkeyer interface protocol emulation
- Supported by major logging apps (e.g. N1MM, HRD, etc. in K1EL Winkeyer mode via USB port)
- SO2R compatible through K1EL Winkeyer 2 protocol emulation
- Command mode for using the paddle to change settings, program memories, etc.
- PS2 Keyboard Interface for CW keyboard operation without a computer
- PTT with configurable lead, tail, and hang times
- Up to 12 memories with macro and serial number support
- Iambic A and B, Ultimatic and Bug mode
- Farnsworth Timing, Autospace and Wordspace Adjustment
- Keying Compensation, Dah to Dit Ratio, Weighting adjustment
- Non-volatile storage of most settings
- and much much more….